IT investments continue to grow in the post-pandemic

Accelerated by the pandemic, the pace of growth and new launches should continue in the coming years, as well as investor interest in the sector

The information technology (IT) sector should remain among those that will be in the focus of investors in the post-pandemic period. The perspective is that the pace of development, availability and consumption of IT solutions should be maintained, attracting more investments in the development of new products and bringing more results to companies.

Invest Tech , a pioneer in investing in IT companies, focused on solutions for companies, in activity since 2008, is a clear example of this movement. According to the fund's Private Equity director, Wagner Araújo, companies' investments in process innovation, investment in talent and the best business experience with customers are just beginning. This is a market that reached US$ 4 billion in Latin America , of which US$ 2.4 billion in Brazil alone , according to LAVCA . “Due to the diversification of our portfolio, we monitor the adoption of technologies and expect the maintenance of growth in investments in technology and services by companies”, he says.

The forecast takes into account companies that use technology as a critical factor for improving processes, efficiency in people management and improving their customers' experience. One example is Skyone software development companies in Brazil and abroad, which simplify the migration of applications to the cloud. The company's CEO, Ricardo Brandão, explains that the consolidation of remote work, brought about by the pandemic, contributed greatly to business growth in recent months.

He sees this process as just beginning and predicts that its evolution will demand more from its products and services. “The first movement was the migration to the cloud, and there are still many companies on this path. But soon we will see the next movement, which is the modernization of applications, which must be based on an innovation ecosystem based on the way companies relate to their customers”, he predicts.

In this new scenario, Brandão is directing Skyone's solutions to keep up with the need for integration of multiple products into ERPs and greater adoption in the use of data by its customers. “The need for greater integration of different products opens up the possibility of building and offering new solutions for software development companies to meet the demands of their customers. This should cover several verticals, such as the financial sector, retail and industry, all based on systems integration, efficient cloud management and new technologies such as artificial intelligence and information security”, he says.

customer focus

The relationship between companies and their customers is also on Quality Software . For the company's president, Júlio Brito, the disruption of physical contact with customers, employees and suppliers created by the pandemic brought the perception that companies must offer their customers the same experience online and offline. Following an evolution similar to that highlighted by Brandão, Brito says that during the pandemic there was a very strong acceleration in solutions related to the client's business (front end), exemplified by the acceleration of e-commerce growth in Brazil.

“The creation and development of a better digital connection and customer experience was an important target of the acceleration of investments in technology and services that we have experienced in recent months, and this acceleration creates a set of demands for infrastructure and technology services to meet this need. growth. This requires greater efficiency in the architecture of IT team management and the application of new technologies, which allow its structure to adjust as quickly as necessary", he says, recalling that the "gold" race must take place in improving the use of technologies that emerged more than a decade ago.

“We're talking about technologies that hit the market in the early 2000s and that took a while to democratize in use and only recently started to show the potential for synergies when used together”, he teases. It is in this context that Quality must increasingly help companies to define what experience they want to give their end customers and, based on that, what technologies and structures allow putting this into practice.

“The education and health segments are examples of this change with the use of technologies such as virtual reality, facial recognition and personalization that are only at the beginning of their potential for adding value. The challenge going forward is the integration of the physical world and the online world, through the speed of offers and user connectivity in multiple channels (Omnichannel), ensuring the same experience at any point of contact. This is where the next five or ten years of investments will be”, he believes.

With the same vision of accelerating investments in technology, but with a focus on people management, Ahgora Sistemas , which has more than 3,500 corporate clients, found itself in the eye of the hurricane caused by remote work and the need for efficient solutions to manage it. it. The company's CEO, Lázaro Malta, recalls that in March last year, the day before the lockdown began, they launched the Anywhere  Office , which includes employees working remotely on a single management platform and was widely used by its customers. . “The timing was perfect,” he comments.

For Malta, the post-pandemic period will be marked by maintaining the pace of migration to the cloud and how the entire technological ecosystem must prepare for it. “There is still a giant legacy of infrastructure and technology and this will pose a challenge for new functionalities and innovations, which are demanded by the growth of collaborative work inside and outside companies, which include greater assertiveness and legal certainty in the management of people and processes ", it says.

On the people management side, companies face growing challenges in the safety and health of employees, in measuring individual and collective performance, as well as in training and engaging talent. “New and more effective purposeful training and outreach tools that strengthen cultures will be needed. We are talking about a new work model and management has to reinvent itself, ”he says.

And thinking in this context, the company has been working on solutions that bring a new vision on workforce management, adding instruments that take into account decision-making empowerment, the flexibility of remote work and the strengthening of culture. All this based on real  time . “The new demand from human resource managers is for tools that analyze information in real time, because events and changes occur very quickly. This information is what allows running a company efficiently. Mostly by companies with employees spread across different locations. Business reports are no longer enough, it is necessary to look at the instantaneous present and the immediate future. These tools will be mandatory for successful companies in the near future”, he predicts.

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