5 cloud ERP success stories

The implementation of cloud systems is a reality today for many companies. Given the need for virtualization, Cloud Computing solutions for ERPs are advantageous. But why? Let's know the answers to these questions now.
5 Success Stories of ERPs in the Cloud

ERP is the acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning . In Portuguese, this model is known as SIGE or GIS: Integrated Business Management System. They are platforms developed to integrate several departments of a company, with the objective of automating and storing corporate information . But have you ever heard of ERP in the cloud?

The implementation of ERP improves processes, department management and, as a consequence, the company's growth. But with the evolution of technology, several other advantages have emerged from the use of ERP in the cloud.

Check out now everything you need to know about the topic: what cloud ERP is in fact, what are the main advantages of using this solution and which companies are already using this solution to take advantage of all the benefits.

What is Cloud ERP?

Most companies are already familiar with using ERP on a day-to-day basis. They rely on ERP systems to help aggregate and organize data that is generated and used by each of their independent departments.

Traditional ERP solutions are often implemented on a company's own server infrastructure and require updating and maintenance to stay current. Speaking of ERP in the cloud, as the name suggests, it is a cloud-based system, following the model of other SaaS solutions ( Software as a Service).

Unlike traditional ERP software cloud-based ERP does not rely on its own server infrastructure to help companies share information across departments. software software customer relationship management.

That way you guarantee a complete ERP system, save on structure and have a series of benefits that we will learn about from now on.

5 main advantages of ERP in the cloud

Now check out the most important advantages that your company guarantees when using ERP in the cloud, all unique when compared to the traditional ERP use model:

1. Reduced costs

The low costs of cloud ERP are especially attractive, as one of the problems of storing and managing data was the expense of IT infrastructure, such as equipment maintenance, purchase of software licenses, electricity, cooling and staff software . techniques.

This is completely eliminated from the required framework, as all access is done remotely. In addition, the company only pays for the resources it uses, with different plans with different features between each one.

2. Ease of backup

Backups are essential for any company as they prevent total data loss. In the cloud, it is impossible for important data to be lost due to physical hardware problems, disasters or unforeseen circumstances .

This security guarantee , which consolidates information in a centralized and encrypted network of servers, is another important benefit that would not be possible using the traditional model.

3. Remote access

Those who have their company's data in the cloud can access them from anywhere, including through mobile devices.

That's why cloud ERP solutions are more affordable than traditional models. Companies can upload and access data in real time via the cloud from any device with an internet connection, enabling greater collaboration across departments.

4. Scalability

Including ERP data in the cloud enables corporate growth through increased resources, such as storage spaces. If before it was necessary to invest in structure to expand storage capacity, now everything can be done quickly, with even lower costs, allowing the system to adapt to the needs of the organization.

One of the companies that has proven to be competent in Cloud Computing is AWS. All over the world, the new Amazon Web Services services have conquered many companies with success stories. So let's meet them.

5. Constant and agile update

Unlike traditional ERP software , cloud ERP users receive constant updates as they become available. The cloud-based ERP is also highly customizable and easily configurable for your company quickly, without requiring a physical space intervention to run.

AWS and SAP: Discover Solutions and Success Stories in the use of ERP

Amazon Web Services and SAP form a successful partnership. Since they developed a collaborative alliance, they have been providing services of great value to clients.

That's why we are now going to bring some successful cases of companies that decided to use ERP in the cloud through the partnership between AWS and SAP.

Adobe Case (SaaS) – Creative Cloud

Adobe has replaced its nearly 10-year-old Creative Suite with Creative Cloud. Assets are now stored and synced in the cloud, making it easier for designers to access Adobe applications.

Adobe Creative Cloud offers users (mostly professionals who deal with Graphic Design, Video Editing, Web Development and Photography) access to its entire collection of software s, which can be downloaded via the Internet through a subscription to monthly or annual license.

The company took this decision mainly because of the piracy of its products. Since May 2013, it has announced that all versions, as of this date, will be available through the Creative Cloud, no longer through the Creative Suite. The CC signature is hosted on AWS.


SmugMug is a photo and video sharing service. In it, billions of high-value photos and videos are stored daily. For this company to maintain optimal performance and transmit reliability to its customers, it relied on AWS for its storage and backup needs.

SmugMug migrated all of its data from a Datacenter to the AWS cloud, thus reducing physical space and hardware management, achieving greater efficiency.

Futbol Club Barcelona

The famous Barcelona Football Club, which maintains an SMS, e-commerce and social media services sector, opted for AWS to store its data. The company took into account the elasticity and payment method for the use of spaces, which perfectly fit its needs.

Urban fish

Amazon EC2 hosts the main Peixe Urbano . This has allowed more consistency and stability for one of the most accessed sites in Brazil, even during peak hits that are common on the platform.

GOL Airlines

As internet access is not available on planes, in view of the needs of passengers, the company relied on AWS to implement an on-board entertainment system.

Choosing the right company to include your data in the cloud, in a way that is compatible with your business, can be decisive in achieving your objectives and the success of your operation . So contact Skyone now and find out about the solutions that will provide all these benefits!

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