About the market
How we help
Why Skyone?
Success Stories

Unlocking the Potential of Technology in the Hotel Sector.

We know that in the hotel sector every detail counts. Therefore, we are tireless in perpetuating our competitive strength and thus ensuring a peaceful sleep for our customers and partners.

About the market

Transforming your business with advanced technology and innovation.

The hotel industry faces significant challenges: reputation management, personalization of the guest experience, administration of different sales partners and backoffice , in addition to strong competition. We at Skyone understand these challenges and with a complete platform with endless possibilities, we offer solutions in Cloud Computing, Data and Cybersecurity, providing scalability and efficiency for managing your business.

on the platform

Take your business to another level with Skyone.

Our platform was designed to meet every detail of the hotel sector.

Personalizing the guest experience and reputation management:

We organize and structure your data, extract information from your different systems and make the information available for analysis.

Efficient management:

We make all your systems available for secure access from anywhere, enabling immediate and unlimited scalability with predictability and cost optimization.

Administration of different sales partners and backoffice:

We solve the integration of your company's systems with your service and technology partners. With a low-code platform, we allow you to easily carry out integrations from the simplest to the most complex.

about skyone

Why choose Skyone to boost your business?

We don't just know technology, we also know the hotel industry . We have years of experience in this market, working with the main systems for different business processes .


There are more than 18,000 active customers trusting our platform.


We are in more than 20 countries, helping companies of all sizes achieve success.


We have the main software in the hotel sector approved and the largest hotel chains use our platform.


24x7 help in 3 languages ​​from professionals available at any time, certified in the world's main public clouds and with in-depth knowledge of software .


Who trusts our expertise

We revolutionize operations of large companies across all market sectors


What customers say

Endless possibilities.

Everything in life is possibilities!

Skyone is present in all sectors of the economy, acting in the invisible, making technology happen.

We offer productivity with cloud, data, security and marketplace on a single platform. We never stop so that companies from dozens of countries don't stop.

Skyone. One platform. Endless Possibilities.