AWS in Brazil: who already uses it?


AWS is the acronym for Amazon Web Services. It is a set of remote computing services that, when integrated, form a cloud computing platform. This very powerful service is offered by, a leading international e-commerce company, which now operates IT services. AWS has already arrived in Brazilian lands. About AWS in Brazil: who already uses it? Let's find out a little about the companies that already use the service here.

AWS in Brazil: how foreign companies are seeing opportunities in the country

Several renowned foreign companies, for some time now, have been expanding their business in Brazil by setting up their bases or migrating their branches to the country. Amazon had been planning to expand its service offering to Brazil as well, for some time now. The opportunity came through the novelty offered by the internet giant, which now works with cloud computing and other IT services.

The AWS data center in Brazil is located in São Paulo. It is the first installation in South America.

The services that AWS offers are applications that allow customers to store and run virtually everything about their business in the cloud. They can be used for enterprise applications, big data projects, games and mobile applications. In addition to São Paulo, AWS also has offices in various parts of the world.

Advantages of AWS in Brazil

  1. Connection speed – It is no longer necessary to wait all the way through submarine cables from Brazil to the United States, each time a simple request is made to the network.
  2. Cost optimization – The costs of data storage for a company are quite high, if it chooses to create an entire infrastructure to store its data internally. Cost optimization is the main AWS flagship in Brazil, as what most Brazilian companies are looking for is to have their data safe in an economical way.
  3. Online Accessibility – With the AWS cloud computing service, you can access files and perform tasks over the Internet. Nothing is installed or archived on local computers, everything is stored on a network and is accessible to the user, online, through any device or internet access point.
  4. Free – Signing up for AWS is free. The customer only pays for the number of megabytes used by his application.

AWS in Brazil: who is already a customer

AWS maintains case studies on several major customers in its portfolio around the world. Here in Brazil, it is a service provider for renowned and large companies. See some of them:

  • Anhanguera University: Anhanguera University is one of the largest in Brazil, especially in terms of online database. When accessing the Institution's website, one can see a huge platform, with a lot of interconnected information. The University uses Moodle technology, a virtual teaching platform. Anhanguera requested AWS services because of the reliability and also the flexibility to expand the platform as it grew in users.
  • Hidrovias do Brasil: Hidrovias do Brasil has a wide database, as there is an important growth of the company extending throughout Latin America. By using AWS to hold your files, there was a considerable reduction in costs, and agility in the demand and supply of services.
  • Rede Globo: When requesting AWS services, the broadcaster sought the stability and reliability provided by the cloud, while saving on internal hardware and software for use at peak times.
  • National Electrical System Operator (ONS): Another company that deals with constant instability situations, ONS requested AWS services in order to have more stability and support in cases of unexpected situations. Thus, the company can better plan its actions regarding these occurrences.
  • GOL Linhas Aéreas: In order to offer an online entertainment system to passengers during the flight, GOL created an intranet system with an innovative concept. In order to obtain heavy support for this undertaking, the company relied on AWS services, thus achieving agility without the need to invest in local equipment.

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