Cloud Security: Strategies to Ensure Privacy and Availability

Cloud Security: Strategies to Ensure Privacy and Availability

Regardless of the size of the company, whether small or large, cloud security is always a concern. of cloud environments growing and showing their advantages, cyberattacks also occur more frequently . According to The State of Cloud Security, 79% of Brazilian companies operating in the cloud currently suffer from this.

In the current scenario, it has been common for companies to carry out a digital expansion without going through a consistent and efficient security policy . Thus, the big question arises: how to merge security in the cloud with investments in this area? The answers can be found below!

Good reading!

Why do companies migrate to the cloud?

Before we even talk about security in the cloud, it is interesting to understand the reason for the cloud computing boom. That the resource has been gaining space and optimizing business you probably already know, but what are the reasons for this?

Going from cost reduction – done in different ways in the company – to a notable gain in productivity, the cloud has several advantages that you can enjoy. Check out some of the main ones below:

Cost benefit

Being able to reach a cost reduction of up to 70% , this is one of the central benefits for companies choosing the cloud. And the best thing is that the cost-effectiveness of cloud computing is for more than one reason.

Firstly, we should think about reducing costs by not having to rely on a local server, that is, the company reduces the bills with machinery, energy, software and also with the IT team . In addition, it is worth remembering that the cloud is a kind of outsourced service, in which the provider is responsible for keeping everything running .

expense predictability

In the cloud it's like this: you pay exactly for the service you hire . When choosing an x ​​size of cloud space, the company counts on it, without surprises with other expenses , such as updates and maintenance.


In addition to forecasting costs, scalability guarantees the possibility of changing the size of the cloud . That is, if the business needs more space – or even less – the service can be modified to guarantee the demands of the moment.

This is a crucial point for anyone who understands that the company will grow over time. With the cloud, you won't be stuck to what was initially determined, and you can easily adapt it to new moments .


The internet has brought much greater access to the resources we need, and the cloud works exactly like that. Cloud applications and information are basically available to any device with a connection, working anywhere and anytime .

With work increasingly adaptable to the needs of employees, with an increase in the home office and flexible working hours , having a business with availability is essential.

High performance

In the cloud, backups are done optimally, ensuring that everything is working as expected. The softwareonly runs at high performance, ensuring that productivity is maintained and likely maximized.

Working with the largest cloud service providers such as AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, it is guaranteed to be up and running 99% of the time . Here you are sure that you will not have problems with downtime!

Automatic Update

As we mentioned earlier, concerns about the cloud are minimal. Care for the system is done by the provider itself, allowing the company to worry about strategic issues of its business.

System updates and maintenance that may be necessary are carried out by the supplier , without surprising you with a demand that would require specialized work and money.


Finally, we have the great theme of this text, cloud security. Although nothing is 100% secure on the internet, cloud services do have great protection.

Data encryption, protection barriers for firewalls and several other security measures are and must be applied in these services. As this is the subject of our text, you will better see some of these features later on.

Cloud Data Security: Is the Cloud Really Secure?

Yes, the cloud is secure! 

As Caetano Notari, product manager at Skyone, explains in episode 5 of Sky.Cast, the Skyone podcast:

Nobody has bigger security teams than Microsoft, Amazon and Google. Therefore, no data center will have the same level of security, after all they have a team that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week focused on maintaining the security of the hosted data “.

Listen to the full episode

It is important to highlight that, even if a good provider takes all the necessary precautions to guarantee cloud security, it is not possible to say that problems cannot happen at some point.

As we said at the beginning of the text, according to The State of Cloud Security, 79% of Brazilian companies that operate in the cloud have recently been the target of a cyber attack. Of the recorded incidents, 50% are from ransomware attacks, 29% from exposed data and 17% from crypto jacking.

As we said at the beginning of the text, according to The State of Cloud Security , 79% of Brazilian companies that operate in the cloud have recently been the target of a cyber attack. Of the recorded incidents, 50% are from ransomware attacks, 29% from exposed data and 17% from crypto jacking.

This happens not only in relation to the cloud. We have already followed news that hackers coordinated a ransomware cyberattack that affected almost 100 countries and managed to hijack data from gigantic companies. So nothing is completely failsafe.

The fact is that you cannot prevent all threats, but you can monitor them. And the first step is to use automated control systems that quickly detect irregular data patterns and signal that an intrusion is taking place.

When this notification occurs simultaneously, the enterprise can quickly and efficiently respond to the incident to stop the attack and minimize damage.

Cloud systems also usually have environmental protection through Firewalls and Security Groups, strong password requirement mechanisms, constant application of security updates to the operating system and isolation of the ERP environment from the most common attack vectors, among others. . 

Historics, logs, anomaly alarms in data entry: these are some of the functionalities that make an intelligent system for protection. With well-defined action and reaction protocols for compromise, you can quickly identify a breach and have the ability to act before the damage is truly harmful to the company.

At Skyone , we developed Skyone Autosky Defender , which is the brute-force attack monitoring and mitigation solution.

Skyone Autosky: get in touch

Developed by the R&D area, it monitors in real time all unapproved access attempts on Skyone Autosky scaling instances. Based on this information, it blocks all IPs considered offending.

As this cloud service is growing more and more, it is always necessary to be aware of security concerns. To give you an idea, according to data from Gartner's research with IDC, the expectation for 2025 is that 85% of all companies will already be using cloud computing.

As this cloud service is growing more and more, it is always necessary to be aware of security concerns. To give you an idea, according to data from Gartner's research with IDC, the expectation for 2025 is that 85% of all companies will already be using cloud computing .

How to ensure data security in the cloud?

Faced with the threats that the availability of systems and applications in the cloud may suffer, check if the cloud service provider company offers some of the features below in favor of the company's security.

1- Advanced firewalls 

With the mission of monitoring network traffic, firewalls are essential resources in data and application security. However, usually the simplest ones are used, performing only the inspection of the source and destination data.  

Thus, opting for more advanced firewalls means having the guarantee that the integrity of the content and the possibility of security threats will also be checked, through a more thorough scan. 

2- Intrusion detection

As we have seen, due to its remote availability and on any machine, many users can access the cloud system. 

Thus, a robust and qualified security system will be able to establish several levels of access detection, identifying such users and preventing intruders from overcoming the initial defenses of the network.

3- Event records

This functionality is necessary for a predictive and preventive analysis of possible intrusions, since the records will help analysts to understand the flow of access to the system and understand how threats can occur and by which paths. 

Thus, the records create reports and history about all events on the network, which helps in the search for solutions that prevent and block cyber attacks.

4- Data encryption

Data encryption is a strict data security protocol in the cloud, as it ensures that access to certain information is limited to authorized persons.

Thus, if there is an invasion attempt, the hacker will be prevented from accessing the files due to lack of access to the key. The method will also protect irregular access by the cloud service provider itself, as well as environment administrators.

5- Physical security

Data security in the cloud is much more efficient than in more traditional data storage models, such as on-premises data centers. Thus, completely migrating your system and applications to the cloud means achieving 24-hour monitoring, with qualified professionals who will check your system security at all times.  

In addition, it is necessary to reinforce the internal, employee and IT team's commitment to the security policy. It is therefore up to them to train and update them on the most frequent threats and how they can be avoided.

There are some systems that are widely applied when we talk about cloud security. See three of them:

Zero Trust

As the name implies, this is a measure that really applies zero confidence. This is a solution that takes care of access to your company's resources, having a very rigorous system for this.

In zero trust, a complete assessment is made before a new connection is made within your system, even if it is not the first time for the user or device. His motto is “never trust, always verify” .

security manager

Security Manager is more focused on taking care of system vulnerabilities , carrying out a complete and routine follow-up. You receive a cybersecurity platform responsible for managing your risk control , identifying potential problems and the best way to resolve them.

SOC (Security Operation Center)

Translated from English as Security Operations Center, this is yet another platform that improves your cloud experience. Through a combination of solutions, it seeks to prevent, detect, analyze, respond and evaluate incidents .

The idea is to bring more complete coverage to the problems, thinking about before, during and after. In this way, the risks for your cloud operations become even smaller.

6- EDR Solutions

Most cyberattacks start with an endpoint (which can be a computer, tablet or even a smartphone) and then spread throughout the entire network. Therefore, the EDR solution was created to identify and act quickly when an intrusion is detected in any endpoint of the company.

For 2026, a global investment of more than 17 billion dollars in endpoint security is expected, according to data from Valuate Reports.

Much like EDR, XDR is an extended detection and response . The big difference between the two is that the latter carries out a connection and integration process with databases , which makes it possible to understand a greater number of threats and reduce response time to problems that arise.

Cloud data security and GDPR compliance

Investment in data security in the cloud also seeks to meet the guidelines of the General Data Protection Law, in force since 2021 and with its supervisory body, the ANPD , already in operation.

This is because data leakage can result in different punishments according to the severity of the leak, reinforcing the importance of looking for a cloud provider that can guarantee the security of your company in the cloud and that is attentive to LGPD devices.

Among the foreseen penalties are: warning, simple fine of up to 2%, fine of up to 50 million reais, daily fines, blocking of personal data, blocking access to data and even suspension of core activity related to the use of data.

That is, depending on the structure of the size and segment of the company, an LGPD penalty can mean the bankruptcy of the business.

How does Skyone help companies with cloud data security?

By structuring and implementing the best cloud security practices that exist on the market, at Skyone we focus on ensuring that cloud environments are always secure, both for our customers and their partners and employees.

Skyone Autosky , one of our solutions, for example, performs encryption on all data and incorporates an Authentication Layer that securely isolates the ERP, without the need for VPNs and similar solutions.

Skyone Autosky authentication contains audit logs. The record of each session made by a user and the data stored are useful for internal audits of companies regarding the use of ERP systems by their employees.

In this way, we create validation routines and vulnerability tests to identify weaknesses and the need for constant improvements, as hackers themselves also evolve their ways of acting.

In addition, we offer solutions that help companies to innovate and modernize their IT structures, with security and agility, providing sophisticated cloud migration platforms and services, as well as systems integration.

For this, we have a specialized team ready to help the entire ecosystem of partners and customers available 24×7 in three different languages.

Skyone Autosky: Platform that simplifies migration and softwaremanagement in the Cloud

The cloud is a resource that really came to stay, after all, in addition to incredible numbers that show its growth, the benefits it brings to a company are vast and are allowing them to grow more and more. However, despite being a great platform, it is always necessary to take some precautions to make the most of it.

To have professional work in the cloud, Skyone offers several services that make this easier for your company, ranging from migration to security. With Skyone Autosky you can enjoy the best benefits of using a public cloud, such as:

  1. flexibility and availability to access your applications and data wherever you are and whenever you want;
  2. scalability to adapt the cloud to the size of your company's needs;
  3. Optimized cost-effectiveness, with reduced hardware, softwarelicenses and human resources;
  4. world-class cybersecurity to reduce the risk of hacker attacks;
  5. specialized team that keeps your applications running, providing support and ensuring updates and maintenance are carried out;
  6. predictability of expenses; It is
  7. Multi Cloud with leading providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and Huawei Cloud.

To offer a complete cloud service, Skyone Autosky offers the following solutions:

  • Skyone Autosky Platform : migrates your company's applications and data to the cloud, enabling rapid and transparent scalability and with payment per user.
  • Skyone Autosky Services : works to optimize the costs of companies that are already in the cloud, providing support and management of environments and migration of workloads.
  • Skyone Autosky Business One : which migrates SAP Business One to the cloud.

Have more questions about cloud security? Get to know our website, check out the solution and talk to one of our specialists !

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