What are the languages ​​to develop applications in the cloud?

which languages ​​to develop applications in the cloud

There is no language that is ideal for developing cloud applications , so before choosing which one to use, it is important to know the available options and understand their pros and cons. exceeds expectations.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

When it comes to developing cloud applications that deal with analyzing large blocks of data, SQL is the language of choice for many programmers. Aimed at relational database systems, SQL helps to analyze, retrieve and update the information contained in the database.

A great example is how the growing importance and use of Big Data by companies is affecting the size of databases . The more information needs to be processed, computed and interpreted by machines, the larger the databases will be. The SQL language can be the ally that brings the agility you need to develop applications in the cloud.


Many are in doubt about Java. The good news is that it's the perfect tool for enterprise cloud applications Having existed for more than 20 years, programmers have a wide collection of documents, libraries and frameworks at their disposal. It is the ideal language for those who need to deal with complex transactional architectures, such as e-commerce .

Java is also the language of Android devices. Therefore, you must take this language into consideration if the robot platform is part of your distribution .

  • python

Python is an open-source interpretive language. Easy to learn, it has been adopted by the most popular IaaS management software . If you intend to develop cloud applications that expand horizontally, Python is one of the best languages ​​for this.

That is, if you are going to work with Machine Learning , Artificial Intelligence or Big Data, Python is the most suitable language. With a wide variety of ready-made libraries such as PANDAS, NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib, it is a favorite of data scientists.

When looking at the cons, we can see that Python is very difficult to scale across multiple cores on a single machine. This is due to limitations of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Another point to be aware of is that developers need to design specific programs with Python to make their applications run on Windows and Linux .

This does not diminish Python's fame at all: the growth in demand for professionals specialized in Python is not expected to drop in the next 5 years – here is a betting tip for the future!

  • ruby

Ruby is a popular language among startups , including Airbnb, Git hub , and Groupon. There are numerous web-based libraries and tools to help programmers develop applications in the cloud. While suited for automation, Ruby doesn't scale well when it comes to servers and many requests to the application, but it can be useful in application development.

  • PHP

PHP is an old acquaintance of application and website programmers. Facebook and WordPress are just some of the big names in the market that use this language. The years of experience are reflected in the amount of ecosystems, frameworks , materials available to the developer community. Those who want to develop applications in the cloud should keep in mind that larger projects or those that do not have a rigid structure can become difficult to read and maintain with PHP.

Whatever your preferred language, always keep in mind that your project will evolve and, consequently, scale. A prepared team and a state-of-the-art structure are essential for its success.

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