7 Cloud Migration Best Practices to Avoid Common Mistakes 

There's no denying it: migrating to the cloud has become an essential strategy for companies of all sizes and sectors. With increased flexibility, scalability and operational efficiency, the cloud offers numerous advantages.

However, this journey can be complex and full of challenges, especially when some steps are not followed. A study conducted by Gartner revealed that 83% of data migration projects fail or exceed their budgets and schedules.

That's why, in this article, we'll explore cloud migration best practices and how to avoid common mistakes that can arise throughout this process. From initial assessment to implementation and ongoing optimization, gain valuable insights to help your business make a successful migration to the cloud!

Why migrate to the cloud?

Infographic: Why migrate to the cloud?

Migrating to the cloud is a strategic move adopted by many companies seeking flexibility, scalability and innovation in their IT operations. The transition can result in a significant reduction in operational costs, as cloud infrastructure eliminates the need for investment in physical hardware and its maintenance.

Security is another important advantage of the cloud. Cloud providers invest heavily in advanced security technologies , ensuring data is protected with rigorous compliance . Additionally, cloud solutions are continually updated to address emerging threats, which represents a level of security that can be challenging for companies to maintain internally.

As for scalability, cloud computing offers almost unlimited adaptability . Resources can be quickly adjusted to meet increasing or decreasing demands, an essential aspect for companies that face seasonal variations or are experiencing rapid growth.

The flexibility provided by migration to the cloud also allows companies to develop, test and implement new applications more quickly , favoring an environment of constant innovation. Thus, advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence tools, accessible through the cloud, allow companies to transform data into insights for strategic decision-making.

What are the most common mistakes when migrating to the cloud?

Cloud migration processes are often complex and prone to errors. Therefore, identifying the most common pitfalls helps ensure a smoother transition into this technological environment.

See some of them below:

Lack of adequate planning

Many cloud migrations fail due to poor planning. Therefore, defining clear objectives and fully understanding all the steps necessary for migration are fundamental steps to success.

Lack of compatibility between applications

Before starting the migration, it is essential to ensure that current applications are compatible with the cloud infrastructure. Failure to verify this compatibility may result in operational malfunctions or even poor application performance.

Underestimating complexity and costs

Migrating to the cloud often involves unforeseen technical complexities Furthermore, it is common to underestimate the associated costs, which go beyond simple cloud storage.

Failures in security and compliance planning

Data security and regulatory compliance need to be considered upfront. This is because, without adequate security planning, migration can your company's critical data

Ignoring the importance of team training

The team that will operate in the cloud needs to be prepared . Without adequate training, your employees may not be able to manage and optimize the cloud environment effectively, which certainly compromises the success of the entire operation.

7 best practices for a successful migration

To ensure an effective cloud migration, companies must follow a few important steps. The migration strategy requires careful planning and rigorous evaluation, in addition to constant attention to aspects such as security, costs, and monitoring.  

Check out the list we prepared with some good practices for a successful migration:

1) Planning and evaluation

A successful migration starts with solid planning and evaluating all aspects of the current environment . Therefore, it is crucial to understand which applications and data will go to the cloud and which may be retired, aiming for an efficient transition.

2) Focus on security and compliance from the start

It is important to adopt a security posture at all stages of the migration . Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all security and compliance regulations and standards are respected to protect sensitive data and critical operations.

3) Cost management and resource optimization

Managing costs and optimizing resource usage are key to a cost-effective migration. Identifying underutilized resources and evaluating pricing models can lead to significant savings.

4) Choose the right cloud model

Deciding intelligently between public, private or hybrid cloud is vital. Each model has advantages and disadvantages, and the choice must be aligned with your company's profile and business requirements.

5) Performance and security tests

Before, during and after migration, it is essential to perform performance and security testing . This ensures that the cloud infrastructure is solid, secure, and meets expected needs.

6) Implementation in stages

Adopting a phased implementation allows for adjustments throughout the process . This means you can start with non-critical workloads to test your cloud infrastructure before migrating more sensitive data and applications.

7) Continuous monitoring

After migration, continuous monitoring is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the systems, as well as for future optimizations . This process is important for detecting issues and ensuring a successful and effective migration.

Count on Skyone for an efficient and secure cloud migration

When we talk about migrating to the cloud , being able to count on a partner
with expertise is crucial for each stage to occur efficiently and safely. We, at Skyone , are a specialized company that offers personalized cloud solutions aligned with the needs of each client.

Through our unique platform , the migration of your company's assets occurs quickly and securely, allowing your IT team to focus on what matters most: your business !

Come find out how we can boost your journey to cloud success!


As we have seen, migration to the cloud represents a strategic step for organizations seeking modernization and greater efficiency. At the end of a successful migration process, one thing is certain: the benefits obtained go beyond cost savings, encompassing information security, flexibility, scalability and facilitating collaboration between teams.

Want to know more about the subject? Continue your journey of knowledge by checking out our complete guide on migrating to the cloud!

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