Systems integration via API: discover the main types

In the current digital scenario, systems integration is an essential aspect for the smooth and efficient functioning of any business. According to research released by Grand View Research global systems interaction market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 13.8% from 2023 to 2030.

Given this scenario, as companies seek to optimize processes, maximize productivity and provide exceptional customer experiences, systems integration via APIs (Application Programming Interface) comes as a powerful solution.

This is because APIs allow fluid communication between different systems and applications, facilitating process automation and real-time data exchange, which can lead to significant resource optimization and better user experience.

So in this article, we'll explore the vast landscape of system integrations through APIs. From their definition to the different types and benefits they offer, we'll dive into the topic to help you understand and make the most of this essential technology.

Stay with us!

How important is systems integration for companies?

Systems integration is a vital strategy for maximizing the efficiency and cohesion of business processes. This is because it allows different systems and applications to share data and communicate effectively, contributing decisively to the optimization of processes and enhancing data-based decision making.

What are integrations via APIs?

Integrations via APIs software systems Different entities exchange information and instructions in a safe and efficient manner. APIs function as bridges that allow data to flow between platforms in a controlled manner, ensuring that communication is carried out without hindrance and with high data integrity.

Thus, the use of APIs favors the agility of processes and strengthens the technological structure of organizations as a whole.

What are the most used types?

Given this scenario, there are some types of system integrations via API that are commonly used, each suitable for different use cases. See what they are:

  • REST: currently most used resource-based APIs;
  • SOAP: considered the most secure type due to compliance with standards;
  • GraphQL: typically used to load data from a server to a client;
  • Webhook: allow web applications to receive automatic notifications in real time.

Next, we will look at each of them in more detail:

REST (Representational State Transfer) integration

REST integration is a widely adopted approach to sharing data between systems, providing secure, reliable, and hassle-free interaction.

REST concept and principles

REST is a set of architectural principles that define how resources are formatted and transferred across the Web. It uses standard HTTP methods and is based on the use of resources, each identified by URIs and accessed via the HTTP protocol. The six fundamental constraints of REST include:

  • Uniform interface;
  • Stateless ;
  • Cacheable;
  • Client-server;
  • Layered system;
  • Code on demand (optional).

These principles ensure that REST integration supports data sharing effectively while keeping the system simple and modular.

Use cases and benefits of REST integrations

REST integrations are used in various situations, such as connecting to cloud services for data storage and processing and developing secure APIs for mobile and web applications.

Key benefits of these integrations include:

  • Security and authentication: restricts access to resources, using standards such as OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), providing secure communication;
  • Reliability: it is robust in terms of stability and consistency thanks to the stateless nature of REST, where each call contains all the information necessary to be carried out independently;
  • Flexibility: using REST reduces the need for middleware , facilitating the integration of different technologies and platforms;
  • Scalability: integration in the cloud, for example, becomes more scalable and efficient, allowing distributed systems to communicate in an agile and flexible way.

Thus, the REST approach provides developers with a powerful means of creating high-performance, interoperable web services.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) integration

System integration with the SOAP protocol is recognized for its security and reliability , making it a solid choice for corporate environments that demand complex and secure electronic data exchange.

SOAP concept and principles

SOAP is a communication protocol that allows integration between different systems through the exchange of messages in XML . This protocol stands out for its broad compatibility with different platforms and programming languages, and for its ability to operate over various transport protocols such as HTTP and SMTP.

The central principle of SOAP is to facilitate communication in distributed environments, prioritizing security and reliability . It supports mechanisms such as WSS (Web Services Security), providing a robust level of protection for messages transmitted between systems.

Use cases and benefits of SOAP integrations

Because they are very secure, SOAP integrations are often employed in use cases where data security is critical , such as online banking, travel reservations, and healthcare operations.

Thus, its set of strict rules and ability to deal with complex electronic data exchange make it ideal for sectors that cannot give up guarantees of information integrity and confidentiality.

In addition to security and interoperability, SOAP solutions are chosen due to other advantages, such as:

  • Standardization: SOAP is a standardized protocol that follows a strict set of standards. This facilitates interoperability between different systems and technologies;
  • Reliable transactions: SOAP can be used in conjunction with other specifications such as WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-ReliableMessaging, which allow complex and reliable transactions, guaranteeing message delivery and the integrity of operations;
  • Extensibility : Due to the use of XML, SOAP is highly extensible. You can define additional rulesets and functionality as needed to meet specific use cases;
  • Neutrality : SOAP can operate over any transport protocol, such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP, and others, which makes it flexible in terms of networking and facilitates its integration into different infrastructure environments.

GraphQL Integration

GraphQL integration is an important tool for companies looking to optimize the performance and flexibility of their IT systems. The technology provides efficient communication between different APIs, making the integration process more agile and reliable.

GraphQL Concept and Principles

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows customers to request exactly what they need and nothing more. It's not just a language pattern; is an execution environment that operates at the server layer to process queries.

With it, you can define structured data types, which means developers have a clear understanding of the API's capabilities and can write predictable queries. This approach not only optimizes processes, but also guarantees better performance, as it avoids over-fetching and under-fetching of data.

Use cases and benefits of GraphQL integrations

Integrations carried out with GraphQL are particularly advantageous in scenarios where flexibility and reliability in data handling are critical. web and mobile applications stand out , with the construction of responsive and dynamic interfaces; and microservices , helping to simplify communication between them, thus reducing complexity.

Some of the benefits of GraphQL integrations include:

  • Performance optimization: more efficient requests that load only the necessary data;
  • Flexibility: allows developers to obtain information from multiple sources in a single API call, reducing the need to maintain multiple APIs;
  • Trust: The GraphQL type of system offers a strong contract between client and server, which ensures that data is delivered as expected.

Webhook Integration

Webhook integrations offer an automated approach to real-time data transfer between systems, leveraging advanced technological features for agile communication.

Webhook Concept and Principles

Webhook is a communication method between systems that allows the exchange of information in an automated way and in real time . It works through an HTTP “callback”, which is a URL provided by an application where another application will send data as soon as a certain event occurs.

Unlike a API , which requires a request to obtain data, the Webhook acts proactively by sending data as soon as the event happens, without the need for an explicit request from the receiver.

Use cases and benefits of Webhook integrations

Webhook integrations are particularly useful in scenarios where immediate data updating is critical. For example, in payment management systems, a Webhook integration can instantly inform you of a completed transaction.

Thus, another common application is in notification systems , where events such as the creation of a support ticket can be communicated immediately to interested parties.

The benefits of Webhook integrations include:

  • Reduction in response time, contributing to more efficient processes;
  • Minimization of load on the server, as there is no need for constant polling
  • Workflow simplification

Thus, the implementation of Webhooks makes it possible to create connected workflows that respond quickly to changes, making systems more reactive and dynamic.

When to use each type of integration?

Choosing the type of systems integration via API depends on a series of factors, such as business strategies, operational advantages, technical challenges and associated costs.

Therefore, companies must consider their digital environment to select the integration approach that best aligns with their business objectives.

Comparative table

To give you a more dynamic view of each type, we have created a comparative table that can be useful when making your choice. Check out:

Data formatJSON, XML, YAML, etc.XMLJSONJSON, XML, etc.
OperationsHTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)Operations defined in WSDLQueries and mutations defined in the schemaDefined events that trigger HTTP POST
StandardsNo official standards, but follows REST principlesStrict Standards (WS-I)No official standards, but follows GraphQL principlesNo official standards
SecuritySSL/TLS, OAuth, etc.WS-Security, SSL/TLSSSL/TLS, OAuth, etc.SSL/TLS, OAuth, etc.
stateStatelessStateless or statefulStatelessStateless
PerformanceGenerally faster and lighterMay be heavier due to XML envelopeReduces data overhead, can improve performanceDepends on event and data load
FlexibilityHigh (allows different data formats)Low (strictly XML)High (allows queries )Average (depends on event implementation)
ComplexityLow to averageHighMedium to highLow
Recommended usePublic APIs, simple web Enterprise integrations, complex transactionsFlexible, data-efficient APIsReal-time notifications, event-driven

Trends: the future of systems integration via API

As we have seen, in the context of digital transformation, system integration via API is a fundamental piece. Trends point to a future where APIs become even more strategic in the digital environment, facilitating communication and interoperability between different systems and technologies.

Continuous innovation in APIs implies greater adoption of service-oriented architectures, enabling companies to develop more agile and adaptable . Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are increasingly integrated through APIs, providing smarter automation and richer usage contexts.

A key element in this scenario is iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service), which stands out for allowing more complex integrations to be carried out without the need for dedicated hardware , reducing costs and increasing scalability. In this way, iPaaS presents itself as a facilitator for companies of different scales to optimize their processes.

Therefore, as technology advances, more sophisticated API management is expected, with robust security features and better data governance practices. This will help integration via API not only support the current digital environment, but act as a lever for future technological advances.

Integrate your systems simply with Skyone

In the systems integration journey, finding a technology partner that can offer a robust and at the same time simplified solution is essential. Skyone stands out as this ideal partner , bringing to the market an iPaaS solution that allows you to connect different systems and applications in an efficient , secure and scalable .

Even without in-depth technical knowledge, your team can create and manage integrations between systems in a visual and intuitive way. Through a user-friendly interface , you can drag and drop components to configure workflows, establish connections between applications and automate processes with ease.

Find out how our platform can simplify your integration routine!


As we have seen so far, the use of systems integration via APIs is a strategic choice for companies seeking efficiency, agility and innovation.

APIs support scalability by allowing new functionality to be integrated without the need for major changes to existing infrastructure, and can help companies quickly adapt to market changes and evolving customer needs.

Furthermore, adopting a general systems integration strategy is also an important step in the digital transformation of companies, a process that is increasingly necessary in today's competitive market.

Complement your knowledge journey and check out our complete guide on systems integration!

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