New feature developed by Skyone optimizes cloud infrastructure in up to 10 minutes

Feature reduces the execution time of repetitive tasks, allowing automatic definition of machine backup

Skyone its own system to accelerate the delivery of cloud infrastructure to its customers, reducing work from 4 to 8 hours for 5 to 10 minutes.

The tool was developed 100% internally, by a team committed to the company's innovative DNA and the constant search to deliver a better experience to customers in the process of implementing the Skyone Autosky cloud migration and management platform. As a result, Skyone increased its delivery capacity and quality by 70% through a combination of process review and automation.

Innovation in creating cloud infrastructures

Skyone's Cloud Architecture Manager, Luís Bezerril, comments that the development of the feature arose from the operations team's desire to improve the delivery of cloud environments, adding agility and security to customers. Based on this objective, the project focused on automating the standardization of nomenclatures for infrastructure resources across different cloud providers.

With innovation in mind, the team revisited all existing processes and tools in the operation, reviewing historical implementation and performance data, as well as listening to customer feedback As a result, an opportunity was identified to optimize the creation of an infrastructure for cloud environments from scratch, through automation, using the concept known as IaC (Infrastructure as a Code). p.4 & w = 693 & fwrn = 4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1701293830&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=2871535919&ad_type=text_image&format=693×280& developed-by-sky-one-optimizes cloud-infrastructure-in-ate-10-minutes%2F&ea=0&fwr=0&pra=3&rh=174&rw=693&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&wgl=1&fa=27&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMTUuMC4wIiwieDg2IiwiIiwiMTE5LjAuNjA 0NS4xNjAiLG51bGwsMCxudWxsLCI2NCIsW1siR29vZ2xlIENocm9tZSIsIjExOS4wLjYwNDUuMTYwIl0sWyJDaHJvbWl1bSIsIjExOS4wLjYwNDUuMTYwIl0sWyJOb3Q_QV9CcmFuZCIsIjI0Lj AuMC4wIl1dLDBd&dt=1701304619845&bpp=2&bdt=2611&idt=2&shv=r20231128&mjsv=m202311150101&ptt=9&saldr= aa&abxe=1&prev_fmts=0x0%2C970x90%2C728x90%2C728x90%2C300x250&nras=2&correlator=8779632939877&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=669109116.1701304619&ga_sid=1 701304619&ga_hid=443424393&ga_fc=0&u_tz=-180&u_his=1&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=720&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=8&adx= 170&ady=1867&biw=1349&bih=611&scr_x=0&scr_y=518&eid=44759876%2C44759927%2C31079759%2C44798934%2C44809004%2C44809317%2C31078301% 2C44807764%2C44808148%2C44808284%2C44809071%2C318512602%2C31078663%2C31078668%2C31078670&oid=2&pvsid=825199788219394&tmod=1677175 431&uas=0&nvt= 1& =31&psd=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDNd&nt=1&ifi=6&uci=a!6&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=12

“The feature is responsible for the complete provisioning (creation and configuration) of a cloud infrastructure in 5 to 10 minutes, which previously took between 4 and 8 hours. Furthermore, it optimizes the execution time of repetitive tasks by more than 70%, adding quality and safety to the operation, as it allows the automatic definition of backup for 100% of the machines”, says Bezerril.

Bezerril also clarifies that, in addition to the efficiency gains of the company's internal team, the resource has already benefited more than 100 customers in two months of operation. “In fact, it made it possible for us to meet an atypical demand in April this year, which was seven times greater than the historical average”, he states.

The expert reiterates that always valuing customer satisfaction and fostering innovation among Skyone's main concerns. “To give you an idea, just through the Skyone Autosky platform, we have already migrated more than 17 thousand companies to the cloud, enabling them to work day and night with availability and security ”, highlights Bezerril.

According to the Growth Manager of the Skyone Autosky platform, Caetano Notari, Skyone has a great responsibility in supporting companies, of different sizes and segments, to keep their operations available and secure in the cloud. “Solutions like this reinforce our view that ERPs must be treated as a priority and highly critical”, reiterates the executive.

Finally, Skyone's Cloud Architecture Manager, Luís Bezerril, reinforces that this is the result of a collective effort by a team determined to deliver the best technology solutions. “We are continually making improvements and intend to include new features in technologies like this to increasingly increase customer satisfaction,” he highlights.

Read the article published in ABC da Comunicação.

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