Penetration Testing: Assessing the resilience of your IT infrastructure

As we live in an increasingly digital era, cybersecurity has become an unquestionable priority for companies of all sizes and sectors. As technology advances, so do threats that aim to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Therefore, you need to walk at the same speed.

In this context, penetration testing comes as a vital tool for assessing the resilience of IT infrastructures, allowing organizations to identify and correct security flaws before they are exploited by malicious actors.

Hack the Pentagon program , which invited outsiders to test its systems' defenses. The result? The approximately 1,400 hackers who joined the project found more than 100 security threats that even the United States Department of Defense was unaware of.

Do you think your company is protected from attacks? Think again .

Throughout this pillar page, we will delve into the universe of penetration testing to uncover how these attack simulations can be beneficial in protecting data and systems. 

Get ready to discover how it can be a crucial tool in identifying vulnerabilities, analyzing your security posture, and building a truly resilient IT infrastructure.

What is penetration testing?

Often also known as Penetration Testing , penetration testing is a security methodology in which specialized professionals conduct simulated attacks on systems to identify vulnerabilities.

The essence of this procedure is to act like a real hacker , with the aim of discovering flaws before they are maliciously exploited.

Check out some of the main objectives of a penetration test below:

  • Identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks;
  • Verify the effectiveness of existing security measures;
  • Assess the potential impact of cyber attacks;
  • Suggest improvements based on collected evidence.

Information security experts use a variety of tools and techniques to simulate attacks on various IT components, such as web applications, network infrastructures and operating systems.

Thus, these simulations can be conducted from within the organization (internal testing) or externally, imitating attacks coming from outside the corporate environment (external testing).

During a penetration test, the analyst may attempt to exploit several classes of vulnerabilities , whether configurational, software or hardware , seeking to identify weaknesses that could be used to gain unauthorized access or cause damage to the system.

In this way, test results often provide valuable information to IT and security teams, who can then prioritize efforts to correct discovered weaknesses, thus strengthening the company's security profile.

How important is penetration testing for companies?

Penetration testing is a critical methodology for ensuring a company's security, as it simulates cyber attacks with the aim of identifying and correcting vulnerabilities.

Thus, it is through it that companies can detect security flaws, both known and unknown, before real attackers exploit them . Later, after these flaws are discovered, companies have the opportunity to develop an action plan to reinforce their defenses, improving the security of digital assets.

Furthermore, preserving brand reputation is one of the main benefits of penetration testing. Security incidents can cause significant damage to a company's credibility with customers and the market. Therefore, by adopting this powerful tool, the brand demonstrates commitment to protecting customer data and privacy.

For companies that want to maintain a robust position in the face of digital threats, regular penetration testing is a determining . Not only do they guarantee the integrity of systems, they also promote a proactive stance in the face of constant changes in the cyber threat scenario.

What is the difference between penetration testing and bug bounty ?

Today, it is common to have doubts about the difference between penetration testing and bug bounty. Both start from a similar assumption – but differ in important aspects. Let's see:

Penetration tests are planned , where experts perform simulations of controlled attacks on a system to identify vulnerabilities. Thus, this type of testing is carried out by experts known as hackers , who are hired by the company and follow a defined scope.

On the other hand, a bug bounty is a program offered by many companies and organizations where individuals can receive rewards for identifying and reporting security flaws. This is what happened in the USA through “Hack The Pentagon”, as mentioned previously.

They encourage hackers and security researchers to explore and report vulnerabilities legally. Thus, this model encourages a wide range of professionals to contribute to the improvement of cybersecurity.

The main difference between the two lies in the format and approach of each. Penetration tests are generally governed by confidentiality agreements and performed in a restricted testing environment. Bug bounty programs open the door for the global security community to collaborate at any time, making bug detection a more continuous process.

Difference between bug bounty and penetration testing

Because penetration testing is conducted by in-house or contracted experts, it provides a more targeted environment simulating real attacks . This enables a deeper and more structured analysis of cyber defenses, identifying not only known vulnerabilities but also those that may escape traditional detection.

What are the main types of penetration testing?

As we have seen, penetration testing is essential for identifying vulnerabilities in information systems. Thus, there are different approaches depending on the scope and objectives of the test.

Each type offers a different view of security and can be combined for a more complete security analysis. Check out:

black box

black box testing , the applicator has no prior information about the target system. Such an approach simulates an external attack from an attacker without internal knowledge, focusing on finding exploitable vulnerabilities without any previously established knowledge about the infrastructure.

white box

In white box , unlike black box , the applicator has access to the source code and all relevant system information . This approach is thorough, allowing a deeper analysis of possible security flaws based on a detailed understanding of the system's logic and structure.

gray box

Gray box testing is a compromise between black box and white box . The professional has some knowledge about the system, but not as detailed as in the white box . It is effective for evaluating the security of a system from a partially informed perspective.


In internal tests, the evaluation is carried out from the point of view of someone who already has access to the internal environment. This may include simulated attacks by disgruntled employees or attackers who managed to access the network, for example.


On the other hand, external tests are carried out by trying to break into the system without having initial access to it , just as a hacker would do. This tests the resistance of the network's external perimeter against attacks that come from sources outside the business environment.

What are the aspects of legislation and ethics involved?

In Brazil, carrying out penetration tests is linked to precise ethical and legislative principles. These tests are essential to ensuring cybersecurity and must be conducted by ethical hackers .


  • The Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Law No. 12,965/2014) establishes guidelines for carrying out activities on the internet, including data protection and privacy, which influences the way in which penetration tests should be carried out;

  • There is also the General Data Protection Law (LGPD, Law No. 13,709/2018), which imposes clear rules on the collection, use, processing and storage of personal data. Therefore, testing professionals need to ensure compliance with these regulations.


Professional ethics require that those involved obtain explicit authorization from the entities to be tested before initiating any procedure.

In this context, the results of penetration tests must be treated confidentially , ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed or used inappropriately.

hackers are trained professionals who use their skills to improve security , while malicious hackers

Therefore, entities and organizations must be aware of applicable laws and ethics, ensuring that penetration tests are conducted in an appropriate, responsible and transparent manner.

What are the benefits of penetration testing?

As we've seen, penetration testing is a vital component of maintaining cybersecurity, as it provides an in-depth analysis of a company's resilience against cyberattacks, helping to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulations.

Check out the main benefits of this practice below:

Vulnerability identification

Penetration testing allows you to identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks that can be exploited by attackers. It is an effective way to find and fix security flaws before they are used against the organization.

Resilience Assessment

Through these tests, companies can assess how resilient their security systems and protocols are in the face of intrusion attempts, measuring their defense capacity in the face of different types of attacks.

Improving security posture

With the flaws identified, it is possible to improve existing security measures, strengthening the company's technological infrastructure against future cyber threats.

Protection of sensitive data

A central benefit of penetration testing is the protection of sensitive data. Patched vulnerabilities mean less risk of sensitive data being accessed or stolen.

Compliance with regulations

Penetration testing helps businesses comply with strict data protection regulations, avoiding legal penalties and improving customer confidence in managing their information.

Awareness and training

These tests often lead to greater understanding and awareness of cybersecurity among employees, who are trained to recognize and respond to threats.

Attack prevention

Implementing penetration tests on a regular basis can prevent attacks, as companies gain a better understanding of the tactics and techniques used by cybercriminals.

Incident Response Assessment

A penetration test also tests the effectiveness of incident response plans, ensuring that staff are prepared to appropriately respond to any security breach.

Understanding the phases of penetration testing

The penetration testing process is divided into defined steps aimed at identifying and remediating vulnerabilities.

See what they are:

Information collection

In this phase, also known as reconnaissance, the security team gathers as much data about the target as possible . Public information, DNS records, and data from phishing or social engineering can be used to map the IT environment.

Vulnerability analysis

After collection, a rigorous vulnerability analysis . Automated tools and manual techniques are used to identify security flaws such as outdated software , incorrect configurations and possible entry points for attacks.


Once the vulnerabilities have been identified, we move on to the exploration stage, where the analyst simulates the actions of an attacker , trying to exploit the flaws found to access the system. The objective is to understand the extent to which an attack could compromise the target.

Gaining access

The access gain phase is when the analyst manages to invade the system , thus confirming the possibility of a real attack. At this point, control over the systems or data is obtained, highlighting how exploiting the vulnerability can result in a concrete security threat.

Access maintenance

At this stage, the focus is to verify whether it is possible to maintain the access obtained , even after system restarts or recovery attempts by administrators. This is crucial to assess the risk of persistent attacks, which may go unnoticed for long periods.

Analysis and reporting

The work culminates in an analysis stage in which all information collected is reviewed . A report is produced, detailing the vulnerabilities, successful intrusion methods, and potential consequences of unauthorized access found.


Finally, solutions are proposed for the security flaws found, with practical remediation recommendations. software updates , system configuration changes, and cybersecurity training to mitigate the risks of future incidents.

What are post-test best practices?

Image about what are the post-test best practices?

After conducting a penetration test, it is crucial to implement a series of post-test practices to strengthen security. These practices range from the application of corrective measures to continuous monitoring. Look:

Security updates

Implementing security updates is one of the essential recommendations after a penetration test. They must be applied not only to systems where vulnerabilities were found, but to IT components

Vulnerability patching

Patching involves applying specific fixes to detected flaws. These corrective measures are essential to mitigate risks and must be prioritized according to the criticality of the vulnerabilities found.

Continuous monitoring

Continuous monitoring ensures rapid detection of suspicious or unauthorized activities, enabling agile responses to potential incidents. Monitoring tools must be configured to alert you in real time about potential threats.

Continuous training

Human capital is often the weakest link in information security. Ongoing training for technical staff and end users is vital to keep them informed about security practices and aware of the procedures to be followed.

Periodic simulations

Conducting periodic attack simulations, similar to the penetration test that generated the recommendations, is an effective strategy to verify the effectiveness of the corrective measures applied and keep the team prepared to respond to incidents.

Cybersecurity: The Future of Penetration Testing

As cyber threats evolve, penetration testing becomes an essential tool for identifying vulnerabilities and strengthening information security. This segment explores emerging trends and the role of artificial intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) in processes.

Know more:

Emerging trends

The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing, requiring penetration testing to continually adapt to advanced threats. Automated tools are being implemented to detect and react to vulnerabilities more quickly. Automation, combined with machine learning, allows for continuous updates and learning about new hacking .

Artificial intelligence and security

Artificial intelligence has the ability to transform penetration testing, offering predictive analysis on data leaks and cyber attacks. It optimizes the identification of complex cyber threat patterns, allowing companies to anticipate and mitigate risks more effectively. Tools that use AI make information security not just reactive, but proactive.

IoT and security

IoT devices expand the cybersecurity attack surface. Penetration tests need to consider the heterogeneity and number of devices in a security strategy. The complexity of IoT-specific vulnerabilities raises the importance of carrying out targeted tests that can effectively address security flaws in this expanding context. Compliance with standards and regulations also becomes crucial to ensure protection against cyber attacks on these devices.

How are penetration testing and secure development (DevSecOps) related?

Penetration testing is an essential component in the world of DevSecOps software development lifecycle .

Thus, the main relationship between them lies in the integration of tests within the development stages , promoting a proactive approach to security.

software development follows a model where security is an ongoing consideration:

  • Planning and design : security is considered from the beginning;
  • Development: Code is written with security practices in mind;
  • Testing: security tests, including penetration tests, are carried out;
  • Deployment: Security measures are applied before launch.

With this approach, penetration testing is not a one-time event, but rather an interactive and ongoing practice that seeks to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in real time. The DevSecOps philosophy encourages all team members to collaborate on security, dissolving traditional barriers between developers, security experts, and operations.

Count on Skyone to carry out your penetration test

After all this information, the question remains: is your business's digital environment really safe? Stay one step ahead of attackers by patching vulnerabilities and mitigating risks!

Skyone 's penetration testing is based on a deep understanding of attack techniques, known and unknown vulnerabilities, and how cybercriminals can exploit them.

proactively check whether there are loopholes to access your confidential information, the possibility of denial of services, data hijacking for the purpose of ransom demands and much more.

Find out more about our platform!


Penetration testing is a crucial step in strengthening cybersecurity. It allows the identification and remediation of vulnerabilities, acting as a catalyst for the continuous improvement of a business' defense strategies.

Today, attacks are increasingly sophisticated, generating millions in losses for companies around the world. One of them is ransomware – an attack that many organization leaders still have doubts about the impacts and how to combat.

Take advantage and check out our special article on this subject!

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