How cloud ERP benefits your business

How cloud ERP benefits your business

During the decision process on whether or not to adopt cloud computing as a strategic resource, many companies still have doubts about the efficiency and availability of tools that can support them during the migration process. 

With that in mind, we started a series here in our content hub to deepen the solutions that can be hosted in the cloud and that provide great benefits for different types of companies. We will start with Cloud ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning.

ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is an information system that integrates all data and processes of an organization into a single system.

Integration can be viewed from both a functional perspective (finance, accounting, human resources, manufacturing, marketing, sales, purchasing, etc.) and a systemic perspective (transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems etc).

Migrate your SAP Business One to the cloud with Skyone Autosky

With the use of an ERP, the company gains by not having to create its own software , being able to use a ready-made one. The main ones are:

  • SAP B1
  • sankhya
  • mega

Why migrate ERP systems to the cloud?

Cloud ERP or cloud-based ERP has the ability, for example, to run in a shorter time compared to an on-premise ERP solution.

Why migrate ERP to the cloud?

Everyone is doing it, or at least thinking of moving to cloud-based ERP software According to the already proven results, many companies consider using cloud ERP as a more efficient and cost-effective .

These improvements that can be noticed with the use of cloud ERP are not by chance, they are due to several benefits of the cloud . Check out 5 of them now:


Even though it sounds more complex, migrating to cloud-based ERP software is a lot like preparing for an on-premises ERP implementation. The most important thing is to identify what your business processes are so that they are present in your solution.

The ERP implementation is simple and agile, happening quickly and without the loss of any information. To be sure that this process will be perfect, the ideal is to have a partner specialized in the cloud.

Less need for infrastructure

By relying on an ERP cloud, your demand for infrastructure will be greatly reduced. With software in the cloud, it will not be necessary to maintain a large amount of hardware or even physical space to maintain all this machinery.


As the ERP is not saved on specific machines in your company, it is available online . Thus, it can be accessed on any device that has an internet connection.

This flexibility is one of the flagships of the cloud, which allows employees to access their ERP from anywhere and at any time . With the home office, this freedom is a real differential.


As much as your cloud ERP is available on the internet, this does not mean that it is more prone to attacks and intrusions. You can count on the largest cloud systems in the world, which offer advanced measures when it comes to cybersecurity.

User authentication, data encryption and firewall protection are some measures you can count on. So the cloud poses no more danger than keeping your software on-premise.


In the cloud, you can use as much space as you need, changing the contracted service to keep up with new demands . Thus, the size of your cloud ERP changes to account for your reality.

Understanding that demands are changeable, scalability helps your business to always be able to meet them. For those in commerce, for example, Christmas, Black Friday and Mother's Day are dates when your ERP will need more space in the ERP.  

Also Read: Scalability: The Biggest Benefit of Cloud Computing

Move your Sankhya to the cloud with Skyone Autosky

ERP reduces sales cycle time

The introduction of intelligence through applications in the business allows to considerably reduce the time spent in relation to the sales cycle. Applications can process all datasets about products, markets and sales areas and analyze them in real time, generating results that can boost the pace and efficiency of the sales process.

The application allows you to work faster, in real time and transforming a lot of data into relevant information for companies. Learning to use and using it intelligently reduces the number of steps in a business process, helping throughout the existing sales cycle.

Data is another key factor in an ERP system. In a supply chain application, for example, data from an ERP solution can inform you about a shipment that wasn't possible before, and this can help drive better business decisions.

All these advantages that digital transformation provides make you retain customers with ERP in the cloud . And with increasingly strong competition, having cloud ERP is a great differential that ensures several advantages, keeping your company competitive in the market.

Skyone Autosky: platform that simplifies cloud software migration and management

Having an ERP in the cloud is certainly a good decision that an organization can make. With increasingly strong competition, you need to make the most of the cloud to leverage your business.

To ensure that your data and application migration and management in the cloud is carried out with maximum benefit, the ideal is to have a solution that simplifies your work. Skyone Autosky is exactly what you need for this!

Offering agility and security for your ERP cloud migration and management, with Skyone Autosky you have:

  • scalability to have a space that accompanies your demands;
  • flexibility to access your resources anywhere and anytime;
  • cybersecurity measures , in addition to monitoring by a specialized team;
  • reduction of expenses with infrastructure; It is
  • Multi-cloud with industry leaders such as AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Oracle.

If you want to know more about cloud ERP and the Skyone Autosky service, how about speaking to one of our experts ?

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